Shipping Charges
- Europe Standard Delivery (2-7 business days after dispatch): €10,00
- USA Standard Delivery (3-10 business days after dispatch): €25,00
- Rest of the World (within 30 days after the date of dispatch): €35,00
Important information: Shipping/Courier companies will leave the order at the address advised by you at the time of purchase. You must ensure that you are able to take delivery of the product without undue delay and at any time reasonably specified by Shipping/Courier companies. We are not responsible for goods that are delivered damaged or spoiled due to weather conditions or due to actions or omissions attributed to Shipping/Courier companies. It is advised that you have your parcels delivered to a cool, dry, and weather safe address. Please also ensure your letterbox is large enough to fit parcels. Where a parcel is returned to us because of incorrect or incomplete address details there will be an additional postage charge to resend your parcel. It is the responsibility of our customers to ensure their delivery address is correct and easy to deliver, as we do not accept responsibility for incorrect address details or difficult conditions concerning delivery.
Shipping to China can take longer as on average it can take 5 days to pass customs. Orders may be subject to import charges. We accept no responsibility for these. It is the responsibility of the customer to provide necessary documentation and to liaise with customs in order to ensure accurate delivery.
Customs Fees: Some countries charge Customs fees, import duties, or impose other charges on merchandise ordered from overseas. Please be aware that these charges are the customer's responsibility and are beyond our control. We advise that you contact the relevant governing authority in your country (Customs & Excise) for information on what these charges might be. By law, we have to declare the status (i.e., "merchandise" or "gift") and the value of each product accurately. It is a criminal offence to make a false Customs declaration, and we will not misrepresent your goods for the reduction of import duties, tax, fees etc.
We make every effort to always deliver within our estimated times, however, there may be circumstances where delivery is delayed because of events beyond our reasonable control. If this happens, we will try and arrange for your products to be delivered as soon as possible; however, we will not be liable for any losses caused as a result of such delay.
Please note: due to the high volume of orders during the Sale or Holiday Season, delivery may be longer.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]